We are one of the leading interpretation (interpreting) companies in the Middle East, based in Cairo, Egypt, the heart of the MENA region; we are committed to providing the highest quality methods and equipment. We can help you choose the interpretation service that best fulfills your requirements and meets your budget.

Interpretation is a very tricky profession that needs highly qualified personnel, with thorough experience and comprehensive knowledge of different dialects and understanding of cultures sensitivities. Our interpretation service is another edge that we are proud of! We’re one of the fastest growing providers in the industry and we strive to deliver 100% accurate Arabic-English interpretation Service that is highly authentic and might sometimes exceed your expectations.

Similarly to translation, there is the source language (SL) and the target language (TL). The difference, however, is that translation is written down, whereas interpretation is spoken. In professional practice, interpretation facilitates communication between individuals, who speak different languages.


The interpreter‘s function is to convey every semantic element (tone and register), as well as every intention and feeling of the message that the source-language speaker is directing to the target-language recipients.

In order to interpret a text, the interpreter must be able to receive and understand the incoming message and then express an identical meaning in the target language to the fullest extent possible. In order to accomplish this task, the interpreter must go through an overlapping series of cognitive processing activities.  These include:

  • attending to the message and concentrating on the task at hand
  • remembering the message
  • comprehending the meaning of the message
  • analyzing the message for meaning
  • visualizing the message non-verbally
  • reformulating the message into the target language

People use EgyTranscript’s interpretation service because they know we’ll get it right. We’ll listen attentively, we’ll learn, and we’ll carefully manage the interpretation process to make sure their business is well expressed– whatever the language is. EgyTranscript puts the expertise of translators and interpreters at your hands, combined with simplicity and security.


EgyTranscript is one of the leading Arabic-English interpretation companies based in the Middle East and its leadership brings together over 20 years of proven experience in this field. Our clients choose us over other interpretation companies because of our superior accuracy, speed, and competitive prices. You can feel comfortable outsourcing your projects to EgyTranscript and be sure that every component of your project will be handled professionally and confidentially. As a client, you can rely on EgyTranscript to professionally manage language solutions for your project. Our primary goal, as an Arabic English Interpretation Company, is to establish long-term relationships with our clients and to become an integral part of their expansion to international markets. We will help you achieve your objectives locally, regionally and internationally by providing professional interpretation of the highest quality for all of your communication needs.

Simultaneous Interpretation has the amazing benefit of being fast and incredibly time-efficient! Unlike any form of consecutive translation, interpretation enables the interpreter to speak simultaneously as they listen to the speech; this makes the audience receive the translation in the same instance it is produced by the speaker. This saves a lot of time and prevents any distortion or distraction of the audience. This is different from consecutive translation for instance, where the translator waits until the speaker finishes and starts translating afterward.

What you need to know about Interpreting Modes


Interpreting is real-time verbal translation across languages

Interpreting is not just simultaneous as many people would think; it has different forms according to the context, the setting and the purpose of the event. It also depends on the number of attendees and languages used.

Well-known forms of Arabic English Interpretation or any other pair are, simultaneous, consecutive, and whisper which is also known as “Chuchotage”. Moreover, there are other forms such as phone interpreting.


Simultaneous English Arabic interpreting, sometimes known as conference interpreting, is usually the best choice for large scale of events. This is when the interpreter sits in a closed soundproof room (Cabin) at the back of the conference and interprets the conference proceedings in real time.

The interpreter attentively listens to the speaker through headphones and then renders the translation via microphone. This is considered one of the most difficult forms; as the interpreter should listen and speak at the same time, to a big number of attendees.


This form is usually used for events also, but when the number of participants is small, or when the purpose of the workshop is educational and participatory. The interpreter listens to the speaker directly and interprets sentence by sentence; usually with the help of written notes, or by recalling from memory. This form takes more time.


Whisper interpretation, on the other hand, is a somewhat simultaneous interpreting; whispering to a couple of people (maximum three).

It doesn’t need equipment so it’s a cheaper choice, if only a few people have problems with the language of the speaker, it can also be used in courts settings.


This is another form of interpreting where an interpreter helps two parties speaking over the phone; by interpreting their conversation. Translation can be done in a consecutive manner.

Interpretation is a simultaneous translation between two different language speakers. The importance of interpretation manifests at international conferences whether they are political or economic. Furthermore, it has special importance in covering global events.

The difference between Interpretation and written translation
Interpretation is an intellectual and creative activity based on gaining the cognitive contents and working on transferring these contexts in several ways chosen by the interpreter. The process of transferring the contexts must be integral. In fact, the interpretation is not an easy issue but it is a complicated, branched and accurate one.

The interpretation has differed from written translation in many aspects. The most important aspects are listening, understanding, analyzing and conveying the message within a limited time; the interpreter does not have enough time to form the structures and reformulate them as he wants, at the same time there are listeners who are waiting for inevitable him to convey the message as fast as possible. In addition, the interpreter faces the audience from whom he receives the message, whereas the translator faces the reader who will read what he writes. There are also other differences between translator and interpreter.

The Professional interpreter
The interpreter should be qualified to undertake this difficult and accurate task. We cannot call anyone under any circumstances an interpreter without several requirements that makes him a successful interpreter. As it is inevitable to have a good command of both languages and does not stop only at words level, but he has to perfect their contextual usage to transfer the message honestly, also he has to perfect the pronunciation. Here, he is differed from the translator, as he just needs the written language and does not have to speak. At this point, we focus on the accuracy of both pronunciation and voice from the interpreter to assure the accuracy of the linguistic message.

On the other hand…

The interpreter should have the courage to face linguistic situations that requires taking a critical decision in order to handle the situation; in this case, the interpreter tends to a reportorial translation rather than interpretation. (If he does not have the courage and the bravery to handle these expected and non-expected situations, he will face situations compelling him to interrupt a train of thought that will confuse conference attendees.

Qualification of the efficient interpreter
Interpretation requires an actual practice, practical and long translation experience that extends to long years in order to be a successful interpreter. As long as he should have:
  • An entire knowledge of the general topic introduced at speeches and sessions that are being translated.
  • A great acquaintance of the culture of both languages.
  • Great knowledge of both languages’ vocabulary.
  • The ability to express his ideas clearly and accurately in both languages.
  • The ability to write down notes in a proficient way during the consecutive translation.
  • An experience in consecutive translation not less than three-four years.

EgyTranscript is one of the leading Arabic English interpretation firms in the Middle East. The clients choose us because of our professionalism, superior accuracy, speed, and affordable prices. You can rely on EgyTranscript to get professional management and language solutions for your project. Our primary goal, as an Arabic English Interpretation Company, is to establish long-term relationships with our clients and to become an integral part of their expansion to international markets.

If you need an Arabic English Interpretation Service to contact us and we will help you choose between different available services that best suit your purpose. EgyTranscript provides several interpreting modes from which you can choose. 

Feel free to send us an email


    16 Iran st, Ad Doqi,

    Giza Governorate

    12622 Egypt